Sunday, July 1, 2012

Island & uncle

This morning, after a pancake breakfast, Madeline did some drawing with pens while we figured out what to do with ourselves.

Finally we figured out this much at least: first stop, Chipotle.

After Chipotle we drove by our pending new house, and after that we drove down to the island.  There we found Greenvale Vineyards.

Last time we visited, we had a close encounter with one of the winery's cattle; this time, the cattle were in the shade nearer the water to fight off the heat.  Madeline said, "No cows?!  I'm going home."

But soon enough she recovered and picked clover flowers for Summer.

While the other three of us did tastings, Madeline and her grandpa played out on the patio.

Madeline was her usual rambunctious self.

Case in point:

But, finally, she paused enough for me to get a good family photo ...

... and she was rewarded with a kiss.

Then this evening uncle Marc came to town.  Last time he came to Rhode Island, Madeline looked like this.  This year she's a little different.  Now Madeline's old enough to bring him books to read:

But before long, she had to go to bed.  There'll be more fun tomorrow, no doubt.

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