Saturday, July 14, 2012

Seventeen months!

Today was lovely, if also quite hot.  It was also the first day of what might be our only 100% free weekend of the summer.  So we did what we're wont to do in such circumstances: visit the farmers market.  On the way to the market, Madeline ejected her hat from the stroller without our noticing, so we had to resort to her too-small backup hat.

At the market, Madeline found an orange traffic cone ...

... that she proceeded to tip over and crawl inside.

Next stop was the playground in the middle of Lippitt Park (the site of the market).  On the way, Madeline said "swing! swing!" so that's where we went.

After that came lunch in the park.  We purchased it at our beloved food truck; here's Madeline waiting and identifying the pigs pictured on the food truck's card.

When the food came, Madeline helped pick out a good lunch spot.

And when we'd eaten, we lounged for a bit.

After a little while, Madeline wandered off to bring me back a clover flower.

On the walk home, Madeline fell asleep as we were chatting with a friend we'd run into.  She also ejected her backup hat at some point; I went out with the car and found that one (but not the first).

Later, we realized it's Madeline's 17-month birthday!  This meant, of course, that chair pictures were necessary.  Now that she's 17 months old, Madeline is sooooo big!:

She's also grown very mature:

Actually, with all Madeline's bouncing up and down and clambering into and out of her chair, those were about the only pictures we could get.  She's a little ball of energy these days!

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