Friday, July 13, 2012


Today after daycare Madeline and Summer played while I worked up a sweat in the kitchen, reheating leftover pizza for dinner.

After dinner, we had more leftovers, this time cake from yesterday's party.

Speaking of yesterday's party, I neglected to mention yesterday that Madeline's teachers gave us a laminated "ALL ABOUT ME" sheet to memorialize 17-month-old Madeline.  It says: her favorite food is rice and beans; she loves her mommy, daddy, cats, and grandparents; her favorite thing to do is read books; and her friends are David, Laszlo, and Sabria.  David is singled out as her Best Friend, and sure enough at the party the two of them ran amok, stripping shaggy bark off trees, dancing, and laughing uproariously.  His parents haven't decided for certain where he'll be going for daycare this fall, but he'll be moving to New Haven in the not-too-far-off future anyway; poor Madeline.

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