Monday, July 16, 2012

Nostalgic trip

As we've started to prepare for our upcoming move, Madeline has taken a sudden, keen interest in certain elements of her life that were dormant for some time.  Last night it was a basket of too-small shoes whose removal from her room agitated her ("Shoes?! Shoes?!").  Tonight it was this:

And she insisted on wearing two pairs of baby socks ("Socks!") (both 0-6 month size) at the same time.

Occasional joyful occurrences distracted her from her nostalgic trip (see if you can spot it):

Other times, she was willing to set aside nostalgia and get right down to "helping."

Eventually bedtime began to approach, so Madeline got pajamafied.  She was sleepy but still feeling playful.

So we played for a bit ...

... and then came bed.  For her last book of the night Summer asked if she wanted "Baby" (Madeline's name for both the abridged-for-babies and unabridged version of Dr. Seuss's Oh the Places You'll Go, a favorite either way) or "Moon" (Goodnight Moon); she chose "Moon! Moon!"  After that, she went to bed happily.

1 comment:

  1. Her Granddaddy's first conscious move occurred when he was 13+ months old...two days before Christmas. I don't remember the we had no real furniture so were just moving "stuff" by car. The entire day of the move was spent at our former neighbors house. In the evening it all came out with copious tears as he took his first bath in the new tub. We always wondered if the pink tiles set him off! It will be interesting to see how the move plays out with her. When is the big day? xo N
