Saturday, July 21, 2012

Visitors, getting ready to pack

When Madeline woke up this morning, two new people were here: Uncle Alex ...

... and Grandma Susy!

They're going to help us pack up and prepare for our move.  In the meantime, Madeline has been trying on Uncle's shoes ...

... and clothes.

We also took our once-usual Saturday-morning trip to the farmers market.  There, Uncle pushed Madeline on the swing.

Eventually we wandered away from the market and toward our usual food truck.

Madeline was too sleepy to eat much -- she napped in her stroller on the walk home -- so back at home she ate some string cheese, peach from the market, and watermelon from Delaware.  Mmm.

And as we geared up for productivity this afternoon -- dropping off donation boxes, for example -- Madeline somehow ended up with masking tape on her nose.

1 comment:

  1. It's too bad nobody likes that child! Love the picture with Grandma and Madeline and their identical eyes. What a cute dress and bib too. Hope all is going well with the move preparations...I know you have first-class help.xoxo N
