Thursday, April 21, 2011

Good day

This morning Madeline woke up happy.

This remained the case for the rest of the day. Not much happened, but my camera couldn't stay away from Madeline and her ready smiles.

She did take a break from smiling to catch a nice nap.

After the nap, Madeline seemed very energetic. So we set her up for some tummy time.

That didn't entirely do the trick. Next we tried some walking.

The walking seemed to use up that extra energy; afterward, Madeline was again content to sit happily and exchange expressive behavior -- faces, sounds, and gestures -- with us. And we read some fun books together (The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Oh My Oh My Dinosaurs! and Madeline Loves Animals). She even posed for a photo shoot with Summer.

By this point, Summer and I had some excess energy of our own and were itching to stretch our legs. We loaded Madeline into the wrap with visions of Seven Stars, or maybe some Three Sisters ice cream, dancing in our heads. But Madeline remained wide eyed and lip-licking, so we didn't stay out long. Of course, no sooner had we turned for home than Madeline began drifting off.

A happy Madeline day is a good day for Summer and me, too (and makes it easier to deal with a bit of evening fussiness). Here's hoping for another one tomorrow!

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