Thursday, April 14, 2011

Two months, part two

Getting ready to go to the clinic, Madeline was as happy as she's ever been!

At the clinic we found out why. Madeline weighed in at twelve pounds, six ounces, and measured twenty-three and a half inches long -- definitely thriving! Before the vaccines, she posed with Mary, Summer's midwife and her pediatrician, whom we love. Madeline couldn't take her eyes off Summer, though.

Once we progressed to the vaccines, Madeline was not so happy. We gave her a preemptive dose of baby acetaminophen, which she hated! Then, the oral vaccine: she hated! You can imagine how the three needles went. SCREAMS!

By the time we left Room 1 at the clinic, Madeline was wide-eyed and quiet. Then sleep came on quickly. And that sleep proved just about sufficient to bring Madeline back to normalcy. She woke up, fed, and then spent some time surrounded by toys on the floor -- smiling!

She also enjoyed more of Summer's funny faces ...

... and spent some time lounging on me.

So she's now a happy, healthy, and immunized baby -- a good way to be at two months.

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