Thursday, April 28, 2011

Grasping and relaxing

Since Max worked today and the weather was less than stellar, Sprout and I spent the day inside together. Today provided more evidence for the nap = happy baby equation.

Madeline seemed so much happier today than she was on Monday. In between naps we read books, sang songs, played with toys, and did a little tummy time.

We also enjoyed listening to the Beatles and Tchaikovsky stations on Pandora. The former was good for dancing and the latter provided some additional drama during the thunderstorm that hit Providence.

It's been really interesting to watch Madeline's motor skills develop. Each day she has better control over her arms and hands. She spent most of the day with one hand grasping her dress or my shirt. And each day she is more and more interested in engaging with her toys.

Thankfully, she is also able to entertain herself for lengthening amounts of time these days. She enjoys smiling at her stuffed animals, watching her mobile and staring at lights. She continues to get a kick out of funny faces, and I particularly like to watch her reaction when I roll my tongue (I haven't tortured her with my more advanced 'clover' tongue yet). She is smiling more consistently now and continues to laugh in her sleep (this may be my favorite thing ever).

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