Monday, April 18, 2011


After a morning of Sprout-fussing, the family departed for Delaware today. Sadly, the Sprout-fussing prevented my intended pre-departure photos. And absent grandparental and avuncular attention, the Sprout spent the rest of the day struggling to attain a similar degree of stimulation.

A grandparental gift caught her ear. She figured out that when she hit the pink bird it would tinkle almost like wind chimes. This was exciting!

But before too long she was staring at parents, encouraging us to figure out new ways for her to engage with her environment.

We went with the standby tummy time for a bit.

But that only lasted for so long. We passed her back and forth, each exchange seeming to rekindle her interest in us and our immediate surrounds for a short time. Eventually, though, she figured out that her true calling was filling a series of diapers in rapid succession. And, as always, eating.

It was a good night for a bath. The Sprout especially enjoyed tonight's bathing experience because we taught her how to splash! She loved it.

Kick, kick, kick, flail! And now, happily, she's clean and asleep.

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