Sunday, October 14, 2012

20 Months

Madeline is 20 months old today!

We missed her 19-month chair pictures but got a nice set today to make up for that.

As cute as she looked in those overalls, Madeline declared, "Red off," and we obliged because some of the snaps on the overalls were missing and we didn't want her to get cold.

Madeline remains interested in her potty.

This afternoon Summer had to go to lab.  Madeline and I made an apple pie.

Madeline also drank from one of her "big girl cups," necessitating another change of pants.  Then she and I returned to the task of shelving our books.

We're trying to implement the Library of Congress system!

Madeline and I had made the apple pie for a farm potluck this evening, but due to a combination of circumstances we ended up missing the festivities.  So now we have a pie.  Yum!

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