Saturday, October 13, 2012

October weekend

Yesterday we ordered pizza.  Yay!

Then Madeline ran around happily in her hat.

At night, Madeline said, "Maddie go to bed in rainbow socks!"  And so she did.

Today we visited the farmers market.  Madeline loves the market.  "Market!  Swings!" she says.

While we were eating cheddar scones from Seven Stars ...

... I got a call that our bookcases had arrived ahead of schedule.  So we hurried home to meet the delivery guys.  While Madeline continued eating cheddar scones ...

... I started assembling bookcase number one (of six).  Soon Madeline and Summer joined in.  Madeline pulled out a Nabokov book and seemed very interested in the "Man -- man talking!" on the cover.

She also enjoyed climbing the stack of flat-packs.

By the time she'd finished her afternoon nap, we'd finished assembling the bookcases.

After that, we visited another playground (!) and then had a great dinner prepared by Julia and Shawn.  When Madeline was too sleepy to stay out any longer ("Daddy hold [diaper] bag.  Maddie sleep on pillow.  Home."), she made only a tiny wave goodbye.  But then at home, at bedtime, she said, "Bye bye, Julia.  Bye bye, Shawn."

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