Monday, October 8, 2012

Long weekend

Yesterday on waking up early, we were surprised to find a bright, sunny morning.  As we ate French toast, we heard the clear skies calling us away to the George B. Parker Woodland.  You might recall the place from June 19, 2011.

The clear skies had not lied to us: it was a perfect day for a walk in the woods.

Madeline found many things to keep her interested.  Here she's holding three acorns.

And here she's placing those acorns carefully next to a rock so squirrels can find and eat them.  Seriously, she told us this (albeit not in so many words: "Acorns.  Rock.  Squirrels eat!").

We paused on the bridge so Madeline could throw leaves into the water and watch the stream carry them away.  She was captivated.

We made it as far as the same place we stopped in June 2011: the split rock overlooking the mysterious cairns.  I sat on the split rock and took a picture of Summer and Madeline sitting closer to the path.

Madeline liked the rocks and the lichens, mosses, and fungi too.

On the way back, we used a historic stone wall and the camera's self-timer function to take a nice family photo.

The rest of the day was spent industriously.  Then for dinner, we had (among other things) corn on the cob.  Madeline had liked it so well last time that this time we got her her own ear.  Sure enough, she gnawed every last drop of flavorful sustenance out of the thing.

Today was another nice one.  Madeline asked to go to the playground, so we did.  Angie, Angie's mom, and Lena met us there.  Madeline and Lena spent much of their time swinging in tandem while we adult folks chatted.

On the walk back from the playground, we finally stopped at Tony's Pizza, which is maybe a five-minute walk from our house.  We'll definitely be going back.

On that five minute walk home, Madeline fell asleep -- it was already almost an hour past her normal naptime!  When Madeline woke up she helped me straighten up the basement, and then we went outside to play for a bit.

Back inside, I prepared a roast chicken dinner while Madeline did a silly-happy-crazy dance around the kitchen.

Then after dinner, she went right to bed.

One last thing: here's a photo of the results of our photobooth photoshoot at Jeff & Carissa's party.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like somebody doesn't like mushrooms on her pizza! Your weekend must have been a lot of fun...that park looks like an awesome place for a walk. Do you remember Brandywine Creek State Park where we used to take you on occasion? We just loved that place and walked there at least three mornings a week when PP first stopped working...xo N
