Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy weekend

Yesterday Madeline danced around the kitchen in her diaper!

Then she spent her bath researching the physical properties of water.

Today Madeline played with her zoo.

Then we went to James's second birthday party!  While James opened his presents, Madeline played with a baby.

After the party, Madeline fell asleep in the car, we dropped Summer off at lab, I killed some time in the car, and then Madeline and I visited the Humboldt playground while Summer finished up.

We picked up Summer and then visited Liza and Barnaby.  Madeline played with them and their dogs and cat, and then they sent us home with this cool old dollhouse.

All evening, Madeline sang, "Happy birthday!" and chattered about the party and the "doggies and other cat."

Tomorrow we shall visit a pumpkin patch!

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