Sunday, October 28, 2012


Madeline was a character today.

She spent the morning in her monster pajamas, pink socks, and winter hat.

And she was very happy at that.

She was still happy when we got dressed for a grocery store trip.

We had to pry her away from the pumpkins -- she loves pumpkins.

After the store, Madeline napped; after her nap, she decided to wear mittens!

The Eagles lost dreadfully (a waste of Madeline's newfound joy of responding to our "E-A-G-L-E-S" with an enthusiastic, "Eagles!"); then came something much more fun: pumpkin-carving time!  Madeline helped us pick out the seeds for roasting.

We listened to Halloween songs while we carved, and Madeline took frequent dance breaks.

After each break, she got back down to business.

Part of Madeline's business involved picking a jack-o-lantern face from a lineup; I did my best to replicate her choice.

While we carved pumpkins, I had a tasty bolognese sauce simmering in the background.  Yum.

After dinner we took a moment to see our jack-o-lanterns in the dark (mine, Madeline's, Summer's).

Madeline thought this was pretty cool.

Tomorrow should be an interesting day.  It appears that much of the state is shutting down, but as of now our workplaces and daycare seem to be open.  We'll see what morning brings...

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful memories you are making for her! I love your "new" room...rug and bookcases, etc...very warm and cozy. Great pictures of our dear little girl...and her parents too. Your dinner looks quite tasty as well. Looks like turkey day will be at our house this year...a simplified version will be the order of the day! Much Love all around...N
