Monday, October 22, 2012

Happy! Happy!

"Happy! Happy!" says Madeline frequently these days. Just about every evening after dinner, she asks to sit on one of our laps.

And she sings.  "Happy birthday to you!  Happy birthday to you!  Happy birthday kitty!"  And "Twinkle sky!  Twinkle sky!  How I wonder up above.  Like a diamond in the sky!"

This evening she did not repeat her usual request to sleep in the basement.  (Why does she usually ask this?  We have no idea.)  Perhaps she was too excited by these fun pillows, gifts from friend Kristin.

She was also excited by this special sweater, which fits much better than it did last year (though it's still a little big).

She liked the sweater so much ("Like it! Sweater -- like it!") that she insisted on wearing it to bed.

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