Saturday, October 27, 2012

Busy Saturday with bugs!

This morning we found a cicada shell!  Madeline thought it was cool but kind of creepy.  She wanted to hold it, but only for about a second.

Madeline also helped me move the patio furniture into the bulkhead in anticipation of Sandy's arrival.

We went to the last outdoor farmers market of the year.  Madeline sat stalwart while I finished using up our CSA dollars.

Then we got some croissants, which we at under a tree while Madeline showed us cool things like pine needles.  "Needles!  From trees!"

She also gnawed on her hand for some reason -- trying to extract every last ounce of croissant-y goodness, perhaps?

Summer had to spend a little time in lab, so Madeline and I wandered over to the Morris Avenue playground and played.  She went to the store to buy a push toy, a fish, and a school bus.

Back at home, Summer and Madeline found a grasshopper on our front steps!  Look closely and you can see it.

Madeline insisted on sitting in the trunk while I cleaned out the car.

We took advantage of about an hour's lapse in plans and responsibilities to go get a rug.  The library/living room must be comfortable so we can have a fire in the fireplace while the outside is inhospitable!

Next up was a delicious Peruvian dinner with Julia and Shawn, who are leaving us soon for sunnier climes.  Julia sent Madeline into hysterics by continuing to offer a forkful of sweet potato after Madeline always, gigglingly refused it.

Finally, we spent a little time continuing to set up the library before bed.  Good times.

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