Thursday, October 4, 2012

The mind of Madeline

We didn't get any pictures yesterday or today.  Yesterday we visited the mall after daycare to check out some bookcases; today we visited the library after daycare.

Instead of pictures, here are some tidbits that provide insight into the mind of Madeline:

  • She is obsessed with her fuzzy, footy dinosaur pajamas.  She was so excited about them, we let her wear them for three straight nights.  "Dinosaur foot!  Horns!"
  • She has insisted on taking different sweaters to bed with her for several straight nights (including one of mine).
  • She learned our actual names the other day and can say "Max" and "Summer."
  • She likes to make jokes by swapping out words in songs.  Instead of "The friendly cow all red and white," we sing "The friendly cow all red and ..." and she'll yell, "yellow!"  And this evening at dinner, instead of "No more monkeys jumping on the bed" she sang "No more monkeys jump on PETEY!!!"

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