Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last night in Oregon

Madeline had a nice morning nap today.

Then we went to lunch at Burgerville, and she got a balloon!

She grew attached to her balloon.

Summer, Matthew, Madeline, and I wandered for a bit, meeting friends Jill and Kyle at another McMenamins establishment; sadly, no pictures turned out.  Back at home, though, a balloon somehow materialized!

Madeline had to take a break from her balloon for dinner, though.

After dinner, she took one of her last opportunities of the trip to terrorize poor Hobbes.

She pretended to crash on grandpa ...

... but was soon back on a rampage again.

Finally, making a fish-face, she said farewell to the fridge full of magnets that's kept her entertained every day this trip ...

... and then went to bed, her last night in Oregon (this time around).

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