Monday, December 12, 2011

Not quite as expected

Today didn't go quite as expected.  This morning all seemed well: Madeline was happy, energetic, and significantly less congested.  Summer having headed to lab early, Madeline and I had a lovely walk to daycare.

Then my bus didn't come.  And the car was dead.  So I made it to work way later than I'd've liked.

And then.

Daycare called (Summer who called me).  Though they, too, had noticed Madeline's apparent return to normalcy at drop-off time, by mid-morning her congestion had come back and she was unusually irritable.

So Summer picked her up.  I joined them in the afternoon to try to figure out the car situation so we could perhaps make it to the doctor.  But the timing (and our old car-starter) didn't work.  Instead, I took Madeline for a walk (and she took a nap) instead.

Then tonight a friend jumped the car, I got a battery, Madeline went to bed peacefully, and who knows what tomorrow will bring.  Unless she lacks any trace of sniffles in the morning, we'll probably try to snag a first-thing pediatric appointment to check for any lingering illness -- signs still point to no, but best to be sure.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about you guys and hoping it all works out. difficulties always seem to come in groupings. Love. Meg
