Thursday, December 22, 2011


We're in Oregon!  Apologies for the late post -- Summer and I both crashed in our clothes getting Madeline to sleep last night.

Before we left in the morning, Madeline opened her Christmas gift from one of her great-uncle Davids.

Its contents will be revealed shortly.

Then, after much scrambling, we made it to the airport, through security, to the gate, and onto the plane.  Madeline marveled at the spectacle of the airport workers' bustle outside the window.

On the plane, she played most with her new gift -- a tiger-kitty!

The first flight ended with not so much as a whimper from Madeline.  All was well.  And in Atlanta, she again watched the busy airport workers and pointed to the airplanes.

The next flight passed quite well, too.  Madeline had a few little crying blips but mostly played, ate, and then slept.  She was calm enough that I was able to both watch a movie and finish a book.

The ride home from the airport was another matter entirely -- hysterical screaming the whole way.  But once she was free from moving metal compartments for the day, she got a second happy-energy wind.  She met aunt Sarah ...

... was reacquainted with uncle Marc ...

... got grandma hugs ...

... and met uncle Matthew, too!

Then it was bedtime, and (as I mentioned at the outset) the three of us all crashed.

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