Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday the 13th

In Argentina, we learned today, Tuesday the 13th is the equivalent of our Friday the 13th.  That's not to say today was star-crossed or anything, but Summer and I have been feeling some stress as we've fallen behind where we'd like to be in our non-parenting responsibilities.

Anyway, this morning the only pediatric appointment we could book was at 1 p.m., so we alternated childcare responsibilities and both got in some work from home.  For her part, Madeline woke up very congested but quickly became very chipper and not very sick-seeming at all.

She romped and crawled and chased Petey all around the apartment (except when he occasionally allowed her to catch him, tolerant creature that he is).

Then came the appointment.  Diagnosis: Madeline had a cold, which she got over, but which left her some inflammation (but not infection) in her ears, which paired with more teething (some back teeth coming in?) to cause a perfect storm of essentially non-worrisome facial discomfort that she's weathered remarkably well.

When we left the clinic, Madeline was due for a nap and, sure enough, slept forever.  With her congestion, the car continues to be the only place she'll nap at any length, so today's drive/nap took us up through Central Falls to Cumberland as I tried to trace the Blackstone River.

Back at home, Madeline was as rambunctious as ever.  We took turns between childcare and work again, and now we are both pretty well plumb tuckered.  So, tomorrow, it's back to daycare for her and work for us, and for everyone's sake let's hope she feels as better as possible!

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