Sunday, December 25, 2011

The night before Christmas

Lots of pictures, few words tonight.

This morning Madeline played with uncle Matthew's tigers.  Grrrrrrowl.

She was not infrequently delighted by some thing or another.

Not least of which was this printout of a poem.

She basked in grandparental love.

We took a little hike at Cooper Mountain.

Summer said she particularly liked this picture.

And I like this one.

A nice hiker took our picture together.

We gathered again on the playground's pretend covered wagon.

Madeline walked off the wagon and back to the car.

Then, back at home, she directed the tree-decorating.

She also contemplated the meaning of her very own Elmo ornament.

After she was asleep, the stockings were hung by the chimney with care.

Which means tomorrow must be Christmas!

Random notes: Today Madeline began consistently saying "mama."  She also correctly identified and named an "eye."  She's getting very into faces.

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