Sunday, June 12, 2011

Another dark and rainy day

Another dark and rainy day started off with a bang as baby awoke in a blowout. She's been sleeping less well lately, apparently a common occurrence around 4 months as she begins firing on many new cylinders. It's not clear whether last night was particularly rough or whether the tiredness is cumulative, but I'm pretty tired and Summer significantly more so.

Whatever forces are waking Madeline up at night also seem to be keeping her up during the day. Her naps today were negligible. And keeping her entertained wasn't always a picnic, either: at one point, as Summer hoisted Madeline for a rousing turn at sky baby, Madeline spit up all over Summer's face.

Sometimes Madeline made things easy on us, though.

Friend Taylor, in from Cincinnati to visit his nearby parents, stopped by this afternoon to meet the little one. She, somewhat sleepy and therefore cranky, presented him mostly with a searching eye and a furrowed brow. Other than that, she offered us multiple diaper-change opportunities and nursed her sore gums.

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