Monday, June 6, 2011


We had a particularly taxing time getting Madeline to go to bed tonight so this post will be on the short side as I am plumb tuckered out.

Sleep started off well today. Madeline took her 9 am nap almost on the dot. After her nap we listened to music and played on the floor.

She really likes to watch people dance now and tries to imitate some of our motions. She continues to be quite feisty--she rolled over a few times today and also managed to turn her body 90 degrees in a modified crawl move (she does that in her crib on her back too).

After eating, she fell asleep a little before noon. Unfortunately, she only stayed asleep for half an hour. I tried to get her to fall back asleep for quite awhile without any luck (I think this is what set us up for the crankiness tonight). She did more playing on the floor and spent some time in her swing.

Max got home in the afternoon, and we took turns playing with Madeline and cooking (Max) or writing (me).

Madeline continued to fight sleep despite looking increasingly tired. Recently I've gotten the feeling that she wanted to have an earlier bedtime so we tried starting the bedtime routine at 7 instead of 8. You know how that went based on the beginning of the post!

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