Thursday, June 2, 2011

Nap time!

After dropping Max off at work, Madeline and I continued with Operation Nap Time. Despite being quite sleepy at 9, Madeline was not initially interested in napping in her crib. After about an hour and a few different attempts, Madeline successfully fell asleep in the crib around 10. Tweaks I tried: sleep giraffe, putting her the 'wrong way' in the crib, tucking her beloved turtle blanket around her, rubbing her belly until she fell asleep.

Evidence of success(!):

And then the biggest surprise of all, she slept for 2 hours! I had to come in at one point and comfort her and turn on sleep giraffe again, but she seems to sleep more soundly in the crib than in other places.

After the nap, we did some tummy time and read some books, and Madeline sucked on various things.

I tried nap number 2 around 2. It was much easier than nap 1. Again, she slept for 2 hours!

And when I went to check on her at 4:15, she was smiling and kicking her blanket.

So yesterday Max successfully got her to nap at the right time (same time as her daycare) and I got her to nap in the right place (crib). Maybe tomorrow we can try to combine the two!

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