Sunday, June 5, 2011

Watson Farm

This afternoon several historic properties throughout New England were open for free visits! We opted for Watson Farm on beautiful Conanicut Island (after Madeline combined her morning and noon naps into one mega-nap).

As we moved on from the horses and the barn toward the larger farm, Madeline wasn't too sure about the wide open spaces. She gasped at the wind off the bay.

The place felt like a window into another time. Much of the farm's water is pumped up from a well and into a large tank via windmill.

The farm specializes in livestock: there are herds of cattle and sheep, including bleating little lambs who excitedly scampered as close to us as they could (very sadly, the lambs aren't pictured).

We got a closer look at the cattle, which are moved from pasture to pasture to avoid over-grazing.

On the way to the beach -- this is a farm on an island, after all -- we found an out-of-the-way corner near an old stone wall so Madeline could take a meal.

Then as we neared the beach, the Jamestown-Verrazano* Bridge came into view to our right.

And after making our way down a slight but steep and narrow path through the woods, we found ourselves on the bay.
Madeline was confused when her feet sank into the sand.

And she was more interested in eating than in the crab shell Summer found.

But all in all, she seemed to enjoy the trip. She smiled on the last leg of our walk around the farm.

And she seemed quite interested in the chickens pecking about in their mobile coops.

Perhaps all the interesting things at the farm were overstimulating: on the way home, she exploded into such serious crying that we pulled off into a drug store parking lot and pulled her up to the front seat. She didn't want to eat; she just wanted to play!

She must have wanted to practice the new way of playing she developed this morning: she imitates our arm movements. She's especially fond of throwing her arms out wide!

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