Wednesday, June 22, 2011


This morning we dropped Madeline off at daycare and took off for two whole hours, time for breakfast at Seven Stars and a grocery store run. The feeling -- sad but productive -- that went along with this time was new and odd. We were significantly cheered at pickup time to find a happy Madeline who'd bounced, eaten, napped, rocked, and been changed in our absence.

But we were more cheered to be able to have some time with her at home. Summer hoisted Madeline onto her shoulders, and Madeline decided to treat Summer's hair like a bowl of spaghetti.

Madeline enjoyed some tummy time, which she spent scheming about how to crawl.

Her scheming is bringing about some results, though she's not quite there yet.

In all, we had a happy afternoon ...

... made happier by some of Madeline's favorite toys ...

... but then lots of fussing through late afternoon and evening. Now she's asleep in bed between us, and we're each too terrified to move her (Summer made the mistake earlier of covering her feet with a blanket, causing an epic sadness explosion).

Scratch that -- Summer moved her and all's well. Good night!

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