Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lovely Saturday

Unlike last Saturday, today was lovely and perfect for a walk to the farmers market. Madeline was ready!

By the time we got there, though, everything had been picked over quite thoroughly. We did manage to snag several shiitake mushrooms from Wishing Stone Farm, where we have a CSA share. And we picked up other sundries, including coffee from New Harvest, cider from the Barden Family Orchard, and pork chops from Pat's Pastured.

On the way back we stopped by the library to pick up some books that had come in for us from other branches. We also visited the second floor, home of the children's library, for the first time. Madeline was not impressed ...

... but we found it quite nice, and reminisced about Cricket and Ranger Rick.

Back at home, Madeline was happy.

And happier!
She babbled a bit, and we did some reading, too.

Then tonight, for the very first time, Summer and I brought in the sitter and went out for dinner just the two of us. The meal and the company left nothing to be desired, there wasn't too much worrying, and when we came home Madeline was all smiles. Lovely Saturday, indeed.

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