Saturday, June 11, 2011

Extension of yesterday

Today was more or less an extension of yesterday. It rained all day, so no farmers market. Summer and I alternated baby time and chores. Madeline still just wanted to make brass instrument noises, grab her feet or toys, and flop around. She did enjoy some quality reading time, too.

The most momentous news is that we interviewed and hired a sitter to watch Madeline some weekdays while I'm in the office and Summer's trying to power through on her thesis. The sitter is a Brown undergrad doing research with a professor over the summer. She seemed very comfortable with Madeline, and vice versa.

And a fun development is that Madeline seems to have figured out how to make the frog on her vibrating chair sing. She sits in the vibrating chair while we eat dinner, and in the past has chattered or punched the rattling turtles that hang next to the frog, only occasionally startling herself by pulling on the handle that activates the frog-song. Now it's all handle all the time, resulting in a happy little ditty accompanied by coos and gurgles.

To cap off the post, here's some sky baby:

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