Thursday, March 10, 2011

Adventures are becoming less adventuresome

First things first: sleep was somewhat better last night (though I couldn't fall back asleep after a 5:30 diaper change, early for me).

Since she's been up, Madeline has spent a lot of time in her wrap. While Summer took a shower, I strapped her in and went to check out the yard. We found pleasant surprises!

This was also the first time that Madeline tolerated the wrap more or less happily while fully awake -- a welcome development. Unfortunately, she decided to start shouting a bit when she met the nice postman, bringing a package addressed to her!

After Madeline's needs had been attended to, Summer and I attended to ours with another walk to Wayland Square. This time, we got delicious sandwiches (Summer: pork loin, me: pot roast) and a couple of other goodies at Farmstead. And Madeline got to meet Brian, who showed us our first two apartments (the first while we were still in college!) -- he used to be a rental agent but now works at Farmstead.

We also picked up a few things at Whole Foods, making this (I think) our most substantial ambulatory excursion yet. Madeline remained calm until we were just a few blocks from home, when she yelled and then fell back asleep.

Unfortunately, I didn't do a great job documenting today's not-quite-adventure. You'll have to settle for another sling shot.

When we got back, Madeline initiated the waking up process as I hunched over my sandwich. She then looked at me as if to say, "Really? You're going to pay closer attention to that delicious sandwich than to me, your only and beloved child? Well, alright, if that's your choice..."

Well, sandwich time is precious -- I don't have nearly as much time for delicious sandwiches these days -- but by the time I was only halfway through, she was very ready for a diaper change anyway. Of course I obliged. The lesson: when it's attention she wants, this devious daughter has her ways.

1 comment:

  1. You think she is "devious" now...just you wait! Little girls do know how to twist doting daddies around their little finger. I really like the clover outfits that she has. She has so many different "looks" - I just love seeing all the pictures. Those sandwiches sound pretty good too xo N
