Friday, March 25, 2011

The hunger of the Sprout

Today had two themes: the socialization and hunger of the Sprout. To start off, though, here's the daily picture of the Sprout looking delightedly at her mother/feeder-in-chief.

I'll skip over the slow-paced morning and get right to the first event, which combined the themes of socializing and feeding the Sprout: Summer and Sprout's first La Leche League meeting at the Rochambeau Library. Feeding's been going fine, as pictures and measurements can attest, but a friend's been asking Summer to attend with her. Socialization with other moms and babies is good, too. And I trundled along to do some work in my favorite corner of the library.

This time, Summer wore the Sprout.

(Recall that, though the very modern vertical sign above reads Providence Public Library, Rochambeau is no longer actually a branch of that institution. Also recall the recent and pleasant addition of the vibrant Hope Street sculptures.)

We enjoyed our time at the library and then walked with our friend until she had a right turn to take and we a left. The Sprout met lots of people, and by those reports I've heard she was very good. Apparently people think she's little! We're not convinced.

Perhaps spurred by the suggestion that she's small, the Sprout wanted to feed for almost the whole rest of the day. A brief moment of separation allowed me to get this, the aftermath of an enormous smile that I was too slow to snap.

Small? I'm not so sure.

The day was capped off with a visit from friend Julia, who held a calm and happy Sprout and helped us consume delicious junk food. The Sprout got into the spirit of the feeding frenzy, too, and ate and ate until she nodded off only recently.

Tomorrow there will be still more socialization, as the Sprout gets to meet the Allen grandma! Undoubtedly there will be plenty of feeding, too.

1 comment:

  1. You cannot imagine how much these blog notes and pictures mean to us...thank you for taking the time. What a darling picture - the one above - but, actually all of them. I bet Mandy can hardly wait..what fun that will be for all of you. We can hardly wait too. Are in Gainesville at the moment..on our way down to the Keys where we will arrive tomorrow. Love to All...xoxo N
    p.s. 12 lbs at 5 weeks is not small. Kate didn't weigh 10 pounds until she was over 3 mths old...that is small. xo again
