Monday, March 21, 2011

Short post

There's not much to say about today. Sleep debts caused us to stay in bed until midday, when I snuck the Sprout away so Summer could try to get an uninterrupted hour. The Sprout obliged with a brief nap in another otherwise high-energy day. But she seems to be fully back to her good-natured self; instead of shouts and squirms, we saw a lot of this:

Granted, though, that the above picture was an unusual moment of stillness. Mostly the Sprout continued looking around and lunging at interesting things. And there was plenty of finger-figuring and proto-language noise-making. And feeding. Definitely feeding.

In the evening, we gave the Sprout a bath. She was very concerned ...

... but she made it out ok, and clean at that. Now she's asleep. Summer, too. I'll likely commence reading and see how long it takes me to follow the rest of the family.

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