Sunday, March 27, 2011

Peaceful day

Today was a peaceful day. We decked Madeline out in a dress and tights, anticipating possible outings and photo shoots. Plus she had to look her finest for grandma.

As usual, Madeline spent her morning gazing lovingly at her mother ...

... and feeding.

Around midday, I made brunch as Madeline entertained mother and grandma. When the meal was ready, Madeline slept very happily by the table.

She even looked happy as she seemed to be waking up.

But the wakeup was a false alarm. Petey came by to check Madeline out and ended up sleeping in a neighboring sunspot.

For most of the afternoon, all were content to bask in the loving circle of granddaughter/daughter, mother/daughter, and mother/grandmother. As dusk drew near, though, a few moments in the sun seemed necessary. We braved the chill for a jaunt through the neighborhood.

When we got back, Madeline rested in the wrap for a bit before agitating for release. We played, making faces and moving arms and legs around, e.g., as baby held my thumbs.

Then she truly achieved release, necessitating full changes of clothes for us both.

The one thing lacking on this peaceful Sunday was a granddaughter/grandmother photo shoot. Perhaps that will be remedied tomorrow.

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