Sunday, March 6, 2011

Baby's eye view

According to Babycenter (and hopefully the primary literature that I'm not looking up right now), babies Madeline's age can focus on objects 8-15 inches away and prefer to look at faces and high-contrast patterns. Madeline definitely enjoys looking at faces, but we've also noticed some patterns that seem to particularly interest her. These include:

The iron headboard on our bed

The mesh in her cosleeper

The beautiful quilt that Anna made for her (currently hanging on the back of the glider)

The inside of the moses basket (Max and Alex slept in this basket!)

Other random observations:
  • Babies this age often looked crosseyed. You may see that in some of the pictures.
  • I think Madeline has a double crown/cowlick. This may make for interesting hairstyles in the future. According to the Internet, it also means she is going to be a rascal and/or stubborn.
  • Sometimes she makes noises that sound like a dolphin or a goat.
  • I think I heard her laugh in her sleep once.
And now for some pictures from today:

Happy girl

Truth in advertising

Serious/wistful (can babies be wistful?)


For those who love baby feet photos


  1. I hate to tell you but I think she has my toes, especially on the right foot. They are fine until you get to be 75. You, Max, were especially aware of that dreadful wagon wheel ceiling fixture we had on the ceiling of our family room. I can remember the time you first noticed it, at two weeks of age. It was the same time you recogized Chloe. I watched you and said to myself.."this is one smart little fellow"...and I was right. At three weeks of age you knew who I was and I remember that moment as melted a Grandmother's heart. I know that babies smile and laugh and can tell "things". I am not surprised that Madeline does too...look at her parents. Lucky girl. xoxoxo N

  2. I meant to say thanks to you Summer yesterday for this post. I love seeing the things Madeline looks at, and your other observations. I also love all four of Madeline's many moods. My Grandmother, Leola, would have truly loved the baby feet pictures... Thanks again, you are a Super Mom!!!
