Saturday, March 5, 2011

Epic Saturday!

Today was a truly epic day. We had our first meal out with Madeline, at the welcoming Olga's Cup + Saucer, our go-to brunch joint. The Olga's folks had even left their Valentine's Day decor up in honor of Madeline's visit.

Madeline decided she was ok with the plan, and she cooperatively slept through brunch.

So Summer and I got to enjoy some of our favorites: tasty New Harvest coffee for both of us, poached eggs on cheddar-scallion scones for Summer, and the Mayan chicken salad sandwich with a side of slaw for me.

We were also thrilled to see what appeared to be plentiful crocus sprouts in the Olga's garden, presaging pleasant spring meals outdoors with Madeline.

When we had finished, Madeline was still asleep, so we boldly decided to run some errands. As it turned out, our plan was over-bold: Madeline woke up before we could enter the first store. So I ran the errands while she fed discreetly in the Whole Foods parking lot.

When we returned home, Madeline seemed a little confused by her time in the wider world.

She spent some time trying to sort things out (and, of course, feeding some more).

The effort turned out to be too much, and she got tired.

But we weren't finished yet! Outside it was in the 50s, and we simply had to get in a walk before the partly-cloudiness gave way to unmitigated cloudiness and then rain. This time, our plan was not over-bold. Madeline slept happily in her wrap as we walked the whole half-mile south to Wayland Square, our old home. We got drinks at the Edge, where I once whiled away many hours studying for my bar exams. Rather than tempt fate, we turned back northward as soon as we had beverages in hand.

We did pause to scope out a playground on our way home.

The inscription reads:
This garden was given by a mother in loving memory of her little girl who loved this spot and who used to walk here with her father when it was a part of an attractive ravine. MCMXX [1920]
Madeline remained asleep ...

... and we enjoyed our walk.

When we returned home again, Madeline was still cooperating and the weather was still warm, so we crashed for a bit on the giant hammock in our backyard.

When Madeline started to stir in earnest, we went inside. After a diaper change, we settled in on the futon, anticipating another imminent feeding. Madeline spent some time on me until she gave feeding cues.

She calmly accepted a song at first, but soon grew feistier.

And it was feeding time again. We're hungry, too, after such a big day -- time for some dinner.


  1. How fun! Looks like you had a wonderful day, and that you got out in the wider world. You two are such good parents.

  2. Hooray for beauteous baby girls and beauteous mommies and daddies as well. Thanks so much for the updates!!! And the daily photo messages as well...

    You are all so beautiful!!!

  3. I am so glad that you got OUT...that is important, especially for Summer. Three cheers! This is a good time...some day you will be glad for all the pictures...I know we are now. Thank you ...and Much LOVE...xo N
