Today has been low-key. Sprout slept for an 8 hour stretch last night -- ! -- before we all woke up to gray. It's been rainy all day, so: no walk. I did take her out on the front porch to see the water falling from the sky. She took it in, but didn't seem all that interested.
Even tummy time wasn't quite as energetic as it's tended to be recently. Nevertheless, today's the day I recorded it so today's exercise is what you get to see:
Even on an off day, Sprout had her head moving around plenty (though she didn't hold it up as much as usual) and rocked enough that she almost rolled over a couple of times (her lower half got there but the top didn't follow). Definitely a solid effort -- you can hear those regular grunts and occasional cries of extreme exertion! Imagine what energetic days are like.

But it turned out she was mostly getting my attention to tell me she was hungry.
So Sprout ate, and then I put her in the wrap to help me finish up our dinner of slow-roasted pork belly and winter vegetables, plus salad, mmm. She agreed with that plan for a while, then announced another dirty diaper. Luckily, roasts are laid-back meals that lend themselves to diaper changes.
Finally, once we had all dined -- Sprout gets multiple dinners -- she suggested again that perhaps she was suffering some sort of distress and would we do something about it, please? When I scooped her up, she immediately sent an inordinate amount of spit-up down my front; since then, both our clothes have been changed and Sprout has seemed quite content. The glamor of parenthood!
Now (about 7) Sprout is snoring on Summer, who in turn is reading about container gardening. And here I am.
yea for Sprout - not only for the rollover efforts, but also the sleeping! It is so fun to see the videos and also her gorgeous eyes in the other pictures. Hugs around.