Today was Madeline's one month checkup. She feels so much heavier, I guessed she'd be 9 pounds 8 ounces -- an increase of over a pound since her last appointment -- but I was wrong. She's 9 pounds 12 ounces! Nory is once again without question the smallest mammal in the house.
Madeline also gained half an inch in length and is now up to 21 ½ inches. Overall, she's been deemed perfectly healthy. Next time we go in, she's due for shots and we, therefore, are no doubt due for great fun.
Other than the trip to the pediatrician, Madeline didn't get outside to enjoy today's sunny afternoon. We'd planned to take a walk (and perhaps to catch up on lost Three Sisters ice cream), but our readiness and hers never seemed to coincide properly.
So before we were really aware that the day proper was done, we found ourselves at bedtime. After yesterday's several blowouts, today Madeline managed to maintain only one outfit without issue. In fact, the heart-embroidered garment was still clean when we got Madeline ready for bed, changing her diaper and clothes. The newborn-size clothes are getting quite snug. But a snug sleeper didn't seem to bother peaceful Madeline.

She wasn't going to let you forget her bedtime story...since you have read to her for the last many months, it is now your job.