Thursday, March 31, 2011

Smile! and snow

We really didn't do much today. Madeline woke up early and ate quite a bit, then went back down. When we were all finally, truly up, energy abounded. Madeline did a lot of staring and also said things like "nguh" and "waahhg."

And she smiled.

Then when energy began to wane, Madeline took a nap on grandma.

Grandpa stopped over to peek at sleeping baby.

We thought about taking a walk, but it was not to be. Once Madeline was in the wrap, she woke and immediately took to smacking her lips and lapping the air with her tongue. Subtle cues. Summer provided for her.

As it turned out, at that same moment the sky started to drip. Then the rain was heavy enough that the water off the roof sounded like someone had left the kitchen sink running. And later on it turned to snow. Which actually accumulated in the yard. Time passed with the help of food and drink.

After dinner, Madeline slept on Summer.

And then fed again. And again. And again. Another growth spurt?

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