It was another happy day for baby.
She played games with Summer.

She also napped with our doula, Sev, while we took brief leave of baby together for the very first time. Our walk was very baby-themed, though -- we even ran into friend Annika, who had her baby boy the same day as Summer, with the same midwife too.
After a full morning, we braved the snow (!) for a trip to East Greenwich. Healthy Babies, Happy Moms is there: they're the people in Rhode Island for all your lactation-related needs. While tucked into one of their cozy rooms, we had the opportunity to weigh baby. She's now 11 lbs: our growth spurt suspicions are confirmed.
We transacted our business -- soon I'll be able to try giving baby a bottle! -- and proceeded to another East Greenwich hot spot, Felicia's Coffee.
Baby was calm for a bit and drew some approving glances, not least her mother's ...
... but the experience ended before all the consumables were consumed. Another parking lot feeding commenced instead.
One can't blame baby for her feeding needs. After all, she's doing exactly what she ought: getting bigger like gangbusters (another double-digit percentage growth in only a week!). So we happily tolerate dreary-weather parking lot feedings in exchange for a healthy, happy, smiling baby. And today she provided plenty of healthy, happy, and smiling baby.
From NW Georgia...we love the picture of "Baby" and her Mother. Wow...with that weight gain she is taking after us on this trip! Can'twait to see her before she is too big for me to hold her! Such a beautiful baby...such devoted parents...ahhh. All is well with us...had a great visit with K&J, Don drove steadily for over 6 hours and 400 miles...more tomorrow. We love you...P&N