This morning we all only very gradually acknowledged the onset of day. Summer was the first to embrace awakeness with a shower; Madeline and I slept in.

Once we were up, I took leave of my wife and daughter to attend an admitted students' luncheon at my law school, in my capacity as an extremely honored and distinguished and generally very, very impressive alumnus.
Back at home, Summer had spent much of the luncheon feeding Madeline, with a solid interval of baby-wearing housework. But Madeline was still hungry. We decided that this would be the time to introduce baby to bottle. Summer prepped a pumped-milk beverage and reluctantly headed out as I nervously arranged Madeline and milk and phone -- the last in case of non-bottle-taking baby-rage requiring direct maternal intervention.
As it turned out, Madeline's hunger is all-conquering. She took and drained the bottle, seemingly filling herself and also spilling some of its contents on us both. I called Summer to tell her the news. As soon as Summer had returned, Madeline was ready for more.

Madeline's fist says: "Yeah! I can and will eat anything you throw at me!"
But taking the bottle wasn't Madeline's only milestone of the day. Next up was a trek to Boston to meet, finally, the Allen grandma, flying in from Oregon. Madeline seemed up for the voyage.

But she once again displayed her hatred of Massachusetts, borne out by stopped traffic (SCREAM) and rampant potholes (SCREAM).
When we got to the airport, Madeline was quiet. If
Target is overwhelming, Logan is on another level entirely. Parking garages. Moving walkways. Escalators. Baggage claims. People, people, people. It's easy to feel small and lost.

But she was calmed by a discreet airport feed, happy to meet grandma!, and then treated to another discreet airport feed to stave off any return-trip SCREAMing.
That last one didn't work. SCREAM.
But back at home all was well again. There were smiles all around.

Excited baby is finally down and out for the night. We're near sleep ourselves. And more excitement is sure to follow tomorrow.